This school was brainchild of the Late Rev.Fr. Pascal BIGIRIMANA who was originally born in MUYINGA Catholic diocese(BURUNDI) On 11th December 1959 and incardinated in BUTARE CATHOLIC DIOCESE ON 20th July 1997 at NGOMA PARISH. He was working in Chicago archdiocese as an administrator of parish knows as “The sever Holy founders”, then moved to “Saint Peter and Paul”. He passed away on 19th November 2012 in CHICAGO and laid to reset in state of MINNESOTA, United States of America (USA). It was his wish that the school should be named after Late Msgr.Felecien MUBILIGI who was born on 10th January 1950 in cyanika parish and was incardinated in BUTARE CATHOLIC DIOCESE ON 20th July 1975 and passed away on 1st May 2010 in Nairobi Hospital Kenya and was laid to rest on 7th May 2010 in Foye de charite de Rebero Archdiocese of KIGALI. He was a personal friend and one time a vicar general of BUTARE CATHOLIC DIOCESE for this School to be named so, the ordinary of BUTARE CATHOLIC DIOCESE ,His Lordship Msgr.Phillipe RUKAMBA gave permission to the late Rev.FR. PASCAL to do so. He also allowed him to begin making mission appeals in the United States of America (USA) towards this noble cause.It is in this line that a non-profit making organization .
This school was given official permission to start as private school belonging to BUTARE CATHOLIC DIOCESE on 27th January 2015 by the WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF RWANDA (WDA).
The doors were opened to receive the first batch of students on 2nd February 2015.
Late Msgr.Felecien MUBILIGI

Late Rev.Fr. Pascal BIGIRIMANA

His Lordship Msgr.Phillipe RUKAMBA